
Method Cards

Method Cards


What are these cards?

This starter set of tools and methods were developed by teaching team members, students, as well as designers from around the world. These cards were originally designed for print as part of our Design Thinking Bootleg, and we're now sharing them virtually with you as individual methods! We like to think of them as a set of tools and methods that constantly evolve.

How Do I Use Them?

Just like a deck of cards, you can dive in and start wherever you want! Use the descriptions below to help you find the right tool for the moment. Many cards show up in more than one category. They're all sorted by what design abilities they flex, as well. Happy exploring!


Learn From Others

Use these methods to get inspired by who you're designing for, and understand their needs more deeply throughout your work.


Synthesize Information

Use these methods when you want to bring focus to your design work and surface opportunity.


Experiment Rapidly

Use these methods to generate lots of possible directions for your work, whether written, drawn, or built.


Build + Craft Intentionally

Use these methods to make your ideas tangible, and in a thoughtful way.


Communicate Deliberately

Use these methods when you need to communicate or share your work with others in a purposeful way.


Move Between Concrete + Abstract

Use these methods to toggle between concrete details and abstract meaning, or to look at your work from a variety of angles.


Design Your Design Work

Use these methods to amp up the intention behind your work and how you steer it.



Many thanks to the early Bootleg designers including: Dave Baggeroer, Thomas Both, Scott Doorley, Corey Ford, Erica Estrada, Caroline O’Connor, Lia Ramirez, Jeremy Utley, and Scott Witthoft.
Bootleg 2018 written and produced by: Scott Doorley, Sarah Holcomb, Perry Klebahn, Kathryn Segovia, and Jeremy Utley.
Photography by: Patrick Beaudouin
Illustrations by: Jennifer Hennesy, Soleil Summer, Felix Talkin and Kim West.
Graphic design and Art direction: Jennifer Hennesy
Copy writing and editing: Eli Elbogen