"At the d.school we endeavor to enable our students in eight core design abilities so that they might develop their own creative confidence and also inspire others, take risks, and persevere through tough projects throughout their lives."
- Carissa Carter, d.school Director of Teaching and Learning, “Let’s Stop Talking about THE Design Process”
In the past few years, we've made a concerted effort to empower students with flexible ways of thinking that build on process and focus on abilities. Together, these eight abilities encourage learners to take the ingredients they’ve been given and craft their own creative recipes to suit the problem at hand. Here are a few ways to start engaging with design abilities now!
Feel like taking a walk and listening to a podcast? Hear d.school and IDEO founder David Kelley talk about the importance of navigating ambiguity and other core abilities of the most successful design thinking practitioners in this 40-minute long podcast.
Feel like pulling out your colored pencils and doing something interactive? This Design Abilities Activity Book gets you coloring while engaging with the abilities art in a thoughtful way that will deepen your understanding of how they show up in creative work. A walkabout scavenger hunt and Bingo game are included, too! (Note: a printer is needed for this one!)
Feeling like taking a quick read that gets you the basics? This short booklet on design abilities introduces each one in turn, focusing on examples of specific ways you might exercise this ability, and highlighting design fields that draw deeply on that ability. It also explains why navigating ambiguity is kind of a meta-ability, and the superpower of the bunch!
Whichever you choose, we hope you enjoy learning more about the core creative skills you're developing in your classes this quarter. This is only the beginning!
Abilities posters designed and illustrated by Jason Munn